A volleyball team should aim to carry out as many successful attacks as it’s possible during a game. Every attack gives a volleyball team a chance to earn the additional points and contributes to the victory.

And of course, volleyball spikers should aim to spike the ball successfully and win more points for a team. A volleyball spiker should aim to do everything possible to make his/her attack successful.

The success of an attack hit in volleyball mainly depends on the accuracy and hitting power. A player should aim to hit the ball forcefully and land it on the opposite side of the court successfully.

There are different types of spiking in volleyball. These include:

  • hand-driven spike
  • open-handed tip
  • standing spike
  • off-speed spike
  • off-speed spike

No matter how you choose to spike the ball, you should always do your best to spike correctly. If you work on this aspect regularly, you will be able to develop the right volleyball spiking technique over time. And remember, you should always aim to spike the ball accurately and forcefully.

When the ball is hit with power, the opposing team’s blockers find it difficult to resist an attack. If a volleyball player hits the ball with power, the chance for a successful attack hit increases significantly.

  • What does it take to be a good volleyball hitter?
  • What does spiking power depend on?
  • How to improve spiking?
  • How to spike a volleyball with power?
  • How can I spike harder?

In fact, there are many things that a volleyball spiker should work on. A hitter should build stronger arms, shoulders, core as well as legs to improve volleyball spiking. Today, we are going to talk about these important aspects and give you the answers to all these questions.

So, let’s get started.

Get Stronger Arms for Volleyball

The performance of a volleyball player depends a lot on his/her arms. It goes without saying that a volleyball player needs strong arms. Volleyball player should aim to strengthen his/her arms for many reasons.

It’s fair to say that arms affect volleyball player’s speed. Strong arms help volleyball players move faster on the court. Plus, strong arms have a profound positive impact on volleyball player’s explosive power. But most importantly, there is a direct link between hitting power and volleyball player’s arms. An athlete uses arms to send the ball to the opposite side of the court. That means that an athlete will manage to strike the ball with power if he/she has stronger arms.

Athletes need to do the right type of the exercises to build arm strength for volleyball. There are many exercises that athletes can do to get stronger arms for volleyball and become a better spiker. Strong arms help a volleyball spiker make an explosive movement during volleyball spiking.

It’s crucial for volleyball athletes to have fast arms. A volleyball player should be able to swing the arm as quickly as quickly as possible when such a need arises. There is a direct link between the speed of the ball and the power of volleyball spiking. Therefore, the faster a ball is sent to the opposing side of the court – the better!

Get Stronger Shoulders for Volleyball

Actually, the same can be said about shoulders. There are many reasons why volleyball players need strong shoulders. With strong shoulders, volleyball players can prevent injuries and hit the ball much harder.

The reality is, the load on shoulders is high during the volleyball games. Heavy load may result in the injuries of shoulders. So, it’s necessary to do shoulder strengthening exercises to prevent the injuries of shoulders.

And of course, building strong shoulders allows volleyball players to increase hitting power. It’s also important to note that a volleyball player with strong shoulders can hit the ball forcefully and precisely. If you increase shoulder strength and strengthen shoulder muscles, you’ll manage to hit the ball with more power and do a better job for a volleyball team. Hitting the ball harder helps volleyball players earn more points for their teams.

That’s why it’s so important for volleyball players to do shoulder strengthening exercises. Among the exercises that volleyball players can do to increase strength for volleyball are: barbell overhead press, single arm dumbbell overhead press, dumbbell lateral raise, half-kneeling landmine press, the so-called Arnold press, push press, bottoms-up kettle bell press, wide-grip seated row, leaning lateral raise, etc.

It’s possible to find a lot of YouTube videos that show how to do volleyball exercises of this type in the right way. There is no doubt that doing these exercises results in better volleyball shoulder health and has a profound positive impact on athlete’s hitting power.

Get Stronger Legs for Volleyball

Without a doubt, a good volleyball player has to be a good jumper. Jumping is a key element of blocking in volleyball. Spiking requires jumping as well. Initially, a setter sets the ball. Next, a volleyball player has to jump high in the air to carry out a power attack hit.

The reality is, volleyball player’s legs have to be loaded before spiking a ball. After that, a spiker has to make an explosive movement. Finally, a volleyball player has to spike the ball effectively. Strong legs make it possible for volleyball players to do footwork in the best possible way.

An athlete should aim to jump high to carry out a powerful attack hit. That’s why a volleyball player has to work hard to improve his/her vertical jump. The higher a volleyball player jumps – the better!

The height of a vertical jump and spiking power for volleyball depends a lot on athlete’s legs. So, strengthening legs needs to be the number one priority for every volleyball player.

A Volleyball Spiker Has to Strengthen Core

It’s incredibly important for a volleyball spiker to have a strong core. The reality is, a strong core makes it possible for an athlete to generate more power for volleyball spiking. As a result, a volleyball player can carry out a more powerful attack hit.

Resistance Training Has to be a Part of Volleyball Spiker’s Training

When strengthening arms for volleyball, athletes need to pay close attention to resistance training. It’s necessary to include the resistance band exercises into volleyball spiking training program. Doing the exercises of this type helps volleyball spikers get stronger. So, volleyball players get more power to swing arm quicker and, therefore, spike the ball more forcefully. And of course, resisting such a ball can be hard.

A Volleyball Spiker Has to Work on the Contact with a Ball

The way a volleyball spiker makes a contact with a ball matters a lot for the power of volleyball spiking. A volleyball spiker should always aim to make a solid contact with a ball. Contacting the ball this way helps a volleyball player get more power for volleyball spiking. As a result, an athlete can spike the ball more forcefully. On the other hand, it’s hard to spike the ball with power if the contact with the ball is incorrect.

Obviously, volleyball athletes need to learn how to contact the ball in the right way. Then, an athlete has to perfect his/her volleyball spiking approach and try to improve the contact with a ball.


Volleyball spikers should work on such an important aspect as timing. In other words, volleyball spikers have to be able to select the right moment for carrying out an attack hit. When practicing volleyball spiking skills, athletes have to do the exercises at different tempos and try to play different situations on the court. This will help volleyball spikers select the right moment to start taking an action.

Final Thoughts

A volleyball spiker should always try to get better. An athlete has to work hard and train smart to develop volleyball spiking skills regularly.

A highly skilled spiker will be able to perform well and do his/her job on the court effectively. And of course, such a spiker will manage to contribute greatly to the success of his/her volleyball team.

A more powerful spiker means a better spiker. We have just provided volleyball players with the tips for increasing power in volleyball spiking.

Follow our tips to get the most out of your training and increase power for volleyball spiking. With a powerful spike, volleyball hitters can earn more points for their teams and increase their chance for success.

Best of luck!